Source code for chemistry

"""Basic chemistry module.

The :mod:`chemistry` module contains three classes:

- :class:`chemistry.Atom`
- :class:`chemistry.Bond`
- :class:`chemistry.Molecule`

One can use the :func:`chemistry.Molecule.add_atom` and
:func:`chemsitry.Molecule.add_bond` functions to build up a molecule.

Example illustrating how to create a methane molecule.

>>> from chemistry import Molecule
>>> mol = Molecule('Methane')
>>> carbon_index = mol.add_atom(atomic_number=6)
>>> hydrogen1_index = mol.add_atom(atomic_number=1)
>>> hydrogen2_index = mol.add_atom(atomic_number=1)
>>> hydrogen3_index = mol.add_atom(atomic_number=1)
>>> hydrogen4_index = mol.add_atom(atomic_number=1)
>>> bond1_index = mol.add_bond(carbon_index, hydrogen1_index)
>>> bond2_index = mol.add_bond(carbon_index, hydrogen2_index)
>>> bond3_index = mol.add_bond(carbon_index, hydrogen3_index)
>>> bond4_index = mol.add_bond(carbon_index, hydrogen4_index)

[docs]class Atom(object): """Class representing an atom.""" def __init__(self, atomic_number): self.atomic_number = atomic_number self.bonds = []
[docs] def bond_to(self, other_atom): """Return the :class:`chemistry.Bond` formed between the two atoms. :param other_atom: :class:`chemistry.Atom` to form :class:`chemistry.Bond` to :returns: :class:`chemistry.Bond` """ bond = Bond(self, other_atom) self.bonds.append(bond) other_atom.bonds.append(bond) return bond
[docs]class Bond(object): """Class representing a bond between two atoms.""" def __init__(self, atom1, atom2): self.atoms = (atom1, atom2)
[docs]class Molecule(object): """Class representing a molecule consisting of atoms and bonds.""" def __init__(self, identifier): self.identifier = identifier self.atoms = [] self.bonds = []
[docs] def add_atom(self, atomic_number): """Return the list index of the atom added to the molecule. :param atomic_number: atomic number of the atom to be added :returns: index of the atom in the molecule """ atom = Atom(atomic_number) self.atoms.append(atom) return len(self.atoms) - 1
[docs] def add_bond(self, atom1_index, atom2_index): """Return the list index of the bond added to the molecule. :param atom1_index: atom's index in molecule :param atom2_index: atom's index in molecule :returns: index of the bond in the molecule """ atom1 = self.atoms[atom1_index] atom2 = self.atoms[atom2_index] bond = atom1.bond_to(atom2) self.bonds.append(bond) return len(self.bonds) - 1